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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia e Funcionalidade

Área do conteúdo

Program main research area and lines of research

Master Program in Physiotherapy and Functioning

Fields of knowledge: Physical Education, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy

Course level: Academic Master’s

Program main research area:

Evaluation and Physiotherapeutic Intervention and Functional Aspects

Description: This research area aims to investigate the domains that involve the evaluation and intervention processes in Physical Therapy and functional aspects, in order to expand the knowledge in the fields of Physical Therapy and Physical Education in their strategies for disease and disability prevention, health promotion, and functional performance and recovery of individuals in the different stages of life.

Lines of research:

Line 1 – Evaluation and intervention processes in the musculoskeletal system of individuals in the different stages of life.

Description: This line of research investigates the methods and resources used in the evaluation and intervention in the musculoskeletal system of individuals with or without organic dysfunctions in the different stages of life.

Line 2 – Evaluation and intervention processes in the cardiorespiratory and neurological systems of individuals in the different stages of life.

Description: This line of research investigates the methods and resources used in the evaluation and intervention in the cardiorespiratory and neurological systems of individuals with or without organic dysfunctions in the different stages of life.

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