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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia e Funcionalidade

Área do conteúdo

Objectives and Profile of the Graduate

Objectives (general and specifics):


The Master Program in Physiotherapy and Functioning (PPGFisio) has the main goal of training masters and doctors (soon) with excellence in teaching and research, based on functioning, with products of relevant impact on society.

Specific objectives:

  • To provide high-quality knowledge to students while creating an impact on education, science and technology.
  • To have students develop skills in methodological strategies applicable to scientific research, as well as to systematic and clinical studies in the fields of Physiotherapy and Functioning.
  • To train professionals with evidence-based practices and interdisciplinary arrangements..
  • To graduate professionals using innovative approaches and/or improved assessment and intervention methods..

Graduate profile:

  • Professionals trained at the Master Program in Physiotherapy and Functioning (PPGFisio) have the skills to carry out teaching and research activities while employing a humanized, critical, resolutive and evidence-based approach.
  • They know how to use the methodological strategies applicable to research in the program’s main area and lines of research, with innovative research products and impacts on society in the fields of Physiotherapy and Functioning.
  • Alumni should be able to lead academic activities in undergraduate and graduate education, with a critical and reflective view of professional performance, in addition to stimulating and disseminating high-quality scientific production, promoting benefits for society, and becoming a source of social changes.
  • Graduates are expected to expand academic and scientific production, stimulating the development of safe and resolutive practices in comprehensive health care for Brazilians in the different stages of life. It also includes qualified professionals to work in clinical and management areas based on the biopsychosocial model with practices supported by science, innovation, cooperation, and social relevance.
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